Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What I am loving Wednesday


Have you discovered Pinterest????? Oh is awesome!!! I love love all the DIY ideas that I have for Christmas....ideas for when I go back to teaching....and ways for organization!  Like:

 Love this idea of using scrapbooking paper in those plastic bins!

 Love this bucket too! Would make great teacher gifts! And I can use my cricut soon as I find the plug! AHHHHHH....I cannot wait to try this!!!!!

 I even found a recipe for crust like Pizza's Hut. Cannot wait to try this! We love pizza at our house!

And this is some Bama stuff I need to try to make like this:

 I would love to make this for some many people....and there are so many ideas of what to put in it too!

And I really need to learn to sew....there are tutorials too....because I want to be able to make some of these items to:

What I am really loving being able to spend time with the monkeys before school starts back up....I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by!!