Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Totally Tuesday

The heat index for today is 105....and 100% humidity. Oh my word....I don't remember it being this hot is a while. Thankfully the kids have soccer camp inside the gym!  Of course I should not complain too much...I was 6 months pregnant this time last year! LOL  And I would rather live here then say Alaska!  I am tempted to show Em and Austin how hot it really is when they get home this afternoon from soccer camp by frying an egg on the sidewalk...but I can already hear the ewwwwwww....from Em (she does not like eggs...and then she is such a girl...LOL)  and Austin would think it is awesome.. and lets do some more....but then I would probably have to clean it up....and then I would be like ewwwwwwwwww....LOL. Maybe I will just pull up a video from youtube and that way hubby still has eggs for breakfast in the morning.

It is a good thing that I have some of this hairspray! (You can get it at Walmart). It is wonderful to use in this high humdity.  I will probably need the umbrella today or a boat too...LOL...I will be glad when we can just have a couple of sunny days....I really want to take the kids to the beach soon.

I am so behind...but I  have finally discovered Pinterest. Be still my heart. I have found so many ideas.... and love it that I can save it there and not on my computer!