Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What I am loving Wednesday


Have you discovered Pinterest????? Oh is awesome!!! I love love all the DIY ideas that I have for Christmas....ideas for when I go back to teaching....and ways for organization!  Like:

 Love this idea of using scrapbooking paper in those plastic bins!

 Love this bucket too! Would make great teacher gifts! And I can use my cricut soon as I find the plug! AHHHHHH....I cannot wait to try this!!!!!

 I even found a recipe for crust like Pizza's Hut. Cannot wait to try this! We love pizza at our house!

And this is some Bama stuff I need to try to make like this:

 I would love to make this for some many people....and there are so many ideas of what to put in it too!

And I really need to learn to sew....there are tutorials too....because I want to be able to make some of these items to:

What I am really loving being able to spend time with the monkeys before school starts back up....I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by!!



Tuesday, July 26, 2011

10 months

Little man is 10 months old. I really can't believe how fast the time has gone. If I don't document now what he is doing...I will never remember it! LOL


 10 month highlights...*You weigh 25 pounds and are 31 inches are in the 97 percentile  *You are wearing 18-24 month clothing    *You say da-da, ma-ma, hey,ba-ba (bottle), nii-nii (nite-nite), and your new one is uh-oh which is so cute the way you say it.  *You still love Mickey Mouse and Phinneas and Ferb. You also love to watch chica on sprout.  *You are still just rolling around to get where you love to stand though! It won't be long before you are walking! *You have eight are not quite eating table food but we are working on it....we have been trying some step 3 foods.  *When you don't like a particular stick out your tongue ...scrunch up your face and your body shudders...we need to get that on video...LOL.   *You love to clap...especially when you are eating something you love or something makes you really happy. *You love to play with them...we are working on your sippy cup...I think you would rather play with it than drink it. *You still think your brother and sister are funny. You smile and laugh when you see them.*You are sleeping a bit better at night. You usually wake up twice on a good night...LOL. You still sleep on your back...sometimes on your won't sleep on your tummy don't seem to like it. *You love to sit with daddy is the lazy boy when he gets usually fall asleep does daddy...LOL!  *You love books and love it when we read to you.

You are such a joy and a treasure! We are looking forward to celebrating your first birthday soon!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Still here..........

I can't believe how this week has gotten away from me .....and that I have not done a post until now. I have a certain ten month old that is cutting teeth and is getting more he is keeping this momma busy! Of course throw in the eight year old princess and his six year old superhero loving brother who loves to bug play with his sister....and gets a bit crazy. Then this has been a busy weekend. We spent Saturday at the waterpark with our church family. It was so much fun...and no I did not take my camera and yes I wish I had. Little man did not like the kiddie pool...but loved the wave that is where we spent most of our time with everyone.  Em and Austin did go down the slide a couple of times...and thankfully it wore them out later! LOL   I am so glad we went!

 I aim to do better with blogging  this week ! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday Ticker

Tonight is date night!!! We are celebrating 10 years of marriage! Mrs. Peggy (co-worker of hubby) and her hubby have insisted that they watch the kids so we can go out tonight. How sweet is that? I cannot remember when the last time is we went out on a real date...LOL.  Here is a picture from our wedding.....My father-in-law performed the ceremony!

Only 163 shopping days left until Christmas...LOL. I need to start early this year. I like some ideas that I have come across and think they would be awesome to make....this bag was from

 I think it would make a great gift and it is easy to make!

Or this monogrammed canvas from artsy-fartsy (yes...that is the name of her blog!)

Or this...Ellen from Creative Passage  actually printed on her canvas using her printer! I gotta try this!

The countdown to football season begins....51 days until Alabama Football begins. While I still love the is just not the same without Bobby....sigh....but I still support them and cheer them on! But we are a divided household and I do cheer for Bama too....and Bama football is like a staple in our house.... (picture is from 


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

So glad it is Wednesday! It has been a busy week with Em and Austin at soccer camp everyday. So today's post will be short.

I cannot wait until I can get over to Dairy Queen and try one of these:

Triple chocolate....mmmmmmmmmmm.....when Austin first saw the commerical he said. "Bring it on!" LOL

 Love Redbox rentals...yes I am late to that party...but we finally tried it and love it! We have rented the last Shriek movie and Karate Kid. If you buy Orville Redenbacher's popcorn you get two free movie rentals with redbox

I love that Christian loves these....we had tried the banana flavor first ...which he was not crazy then I found strawberry and banana which he loves! And since he has two more teeth coming in (a total of 8 now)....he is doing better about chewing and trying some table food. His doc said he is in the 97 percentile of his height and wieight. (He is now 25 pounds and 31 inches long).

Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Totally Tuesday

The heat index for today is 105....and 100% humidity. Oh my word....I don't remember it being this hot is a while. Thankfully the kids have soccer camp inside the gym!  Of course I should not complain too much...I was 6 months pregnant this time last year! LOL  And I would rather live here then say Alaska!  I am tempted to show Em and Austin how hot it really is when they get home this afternoon from soccer camp by frying an egg on the sidewalk...but I can already hear the ewwwwwww....from Em (she does not like eggs...and then she is such a girl...LOL)  and Austin would think it is awesome.. and lets do some more....but then I would probably have to clean it up....and then I would be like ewwwwwwwwww....LOL. Maybe I will just pull up a video from youtube and that way hubby still has eggs for breakfast in the morning.

It is a good thing that I have some of this hairspray! (You can get it at Walmart). It is wonderful to use in this high humdity.  I will probably need the umbrella today or a boat too...LOL...I will be glad when we can just have a couple of sunny days....I really want to take the kids to the beach soon.

I am so behind...but I  have finally discovered Pinterest. Be still my heart. I have found so many ideas.... and love it that I can save it there and not on my computer!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up


We had a restful and low-key weekend. We did watch the last Shriek movie...I thought the music was hairlarious. Hubby and I also watch the Karate Kid. Now we grew up watching the original one so of course we had to compare the two and I was not sure I was going to like it but I actually did.


Soccer camp starts today for Em and Austin. They were beyond excited. I hope they still feel that way at the end of the week! This is their first time really learning about soccer and to see if they want to play it as a sport. The funny thing is hubby can't stand  is not a big fan of it....but will have to learn to be if they decide to play. LOL

I watched some of the Jaycee Dugar interview with Diane Sawyer. It just broke my heart. I realize there is evil in this world and how much times have changed from our childhood.  A kids we were all over the base...without our parents....riding our bikes around till dark...riding in the back of trucks....riding in the car without seatbelts....etc. There is no way today I would let my babies do any other that!   Jaycee had her innocence and childhood taken away....and much more. I think it is a miracle that baby girl survived and clinged to hope. I think the system failed her....those prarole officers failed her....I hope this changes how they check on offenders and search properties.

Little man gets his 9 month shots tomorrow. :(  He has been so fussy the last couple of nights...well I realized this morning that he was getting two more top teeth! Hubby and I are like....duh...why didn't we think of that? LOL

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Friday Photo Bliss

 (This was taken with my cell phone). Little man fell asleep while we were at Walmart.  He is heavy to carry when he is we decided to see if we could lay him down in the seat part....and success....he didn't wake up until checkout! :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday Ticker

I can't believe how fast this summer has gone....that it is July already! Time keeps ticking away....

1.  This is about 39 days left until the start of a new school year. I can't believe I have a third and first grader on my hands. I really wish we could start school later in when we were kids!

2. James and I will be married 10 years on the 14th of  July. Somedays is seems like it has been longer than that...LOL. (My wonderful in-laws just celebrated 50 years of marriage!)

3. Christian will be 10 months on the 15th. That means he is getting closer to being a year old....toddler years....leaving behind the sweet baby years. I can't believe how fast this last year has gone! Not sure I am ready for that. :( Thankfully my niece Jordan and her hubby are having a baby girl in Sept so I will get to hold a precious newborn again.

4. Talk about time....time being served...and I don't want to get into a debate and I know she will face the ultimate judge one day....but I do believe it is an injustice that Casy Anthony will probably get out with time already served.

5. I think 40 in the new 30....especially since I will be facing that next year. I remember as kids when me and my bff use to think that was sooo old. Now we just laugh and think we are that! And we are not old! Especially when we had our babies in our 30's.

6. The new movie COURAGEOUS will be out in 84 days.  I am a big fan of Sherwood pictures and I am really excited about this movie.

7. The Jaycee Dugar  interview is in 3 days. I am trying to decide if I want to watch it.





I entered Christian into the Gerber Facebook Challenge. If you would like to vote the link is Thanks!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What I Am Loving Wednesday

I really love this...I got this britax car seat off of Craigslist for an awesome deal! And of course Christian seems to love it! It is so much easier to get him in and out of the explorer. RTR!

I really do love has been too long since I have made a visit to Starbucks and I really really want one! LOL

And I really love this...and they do work!

I really love this too....they are hard to find quit carrying them at the checkout...which might be a good thing for me! LOL

I really love looking at esty....especially for birthday party ideas. Since little man really loves....and I mean reallly loves...mickey mouse ...we are going to do a mickey mouse theme for his first birthday. I really wanted to do a sock monkey theme...but maybe we can do that next year. I know I can probably make some of the items myself. We were probably still do the invitations and a t-shir for him through them.

And I am loving the blog hop at Jenna's Journey! So that is what I am loving this Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thinking of...

I am thinking about going back to blogger....but wordpress makes it so hard to export posts from them back to blogger. I just think I have more options with blogger. Anyone have any ideas or experience with this?

Tasty Tuesday

So my kiddos have discovered little pizzas....since I can't find white pita bread anywhere to normally make them (like at McAllister's) I decided to try english muffins...and they love them. So it makes either a quick snack or lunch.My picky eater- Austin is so hard to find things that he will try or eat....alot has to do with textures. He will eat mac and cheese, sphaghetti, yogurt, pizza, bread sticks, rolls, bananas, apples and  corn on the cob.  I also get him to drink v-8 and ensure. And you can't "hide" stuff in anything...if he sees anything that looks out of the ordinary for a item then he is done with it. I am just hoping it gets better as he gets older about eating and trying things.  He does stay pretty healthy and we do our best to get him to try things. If you have any ideas or any recipes that we can try please use comment! (I would make a link but it is not working.)


Monday, July 4, 2011

Blog Hop

Jenna over at is having a blog hop. You can visit her blog to visit other blogs and meet some bloggers! The challenge is to visit 10 blogs to comment on a day for a week. :)

So a bit about me for those that are visiting:

1.  I am a SAHM of three. I have taught 4th, 5th and 6th grade and middle school math. I do miss teaching and hope to be back in the classroom some day.

2.  I miss sleep....LOL...apparently our 9 month old doesn't need much at the moment....but I won't trade it for the world.

3.  I love to scrapbook and read. Yet right now I don't have much time for both. I am soooooo far behind on scrapbooking.

4. I am a military brat....married to a military brat and former reservist. My SIL and BIL are stationed in Hawaii (loving that ya know!) and my brother is currently overseas.

5.  I met my hubby online in 2000 on a christian website. We talked forever by email....then phone...before we decided to meet and go on our first date. I had so many people calling me to make sure I was ok and that he was not a psyco when we went out. LOL...We got married in 2001. I was 29 and he was 33.....when you are that pretty much know what you are looking for. Emily Grace was born when I was 31, Austin when I was 33, and Christian last year when I was 38 (gulp...I don't feel 38 or should I say 39 now!)

6. I love photography and have so much to learn. I have had the opportunity to work with some great families.

7. I wish I could sew. I would love to make burp clothes and cute shirts....sigh...I do have a machine that Dinanny gave me for Christmas...hmmm....a couple of years ago....I know I know...I plan on pulling up some videoson youtube  soon to try somethings.

8. I love spending time with my kids and my friends and family. I wish I could see some of them more.

9. I love the beach...the pool....I am a southern girl and I love living in the south.

10.  My baby boy is growing by leaps and bounds. It is so hard to find cute boys clothes. I LOVE jon jons for him. He is in 18-24 months. I wish we had gotten a baby shower (we moved in the latter part of my pregnancy) ...especially since he was our surprise baby and we had given everything away a couple of years before!LOL

11. I love to blog hop. I love seeing other's blogs...I don't always leave a comment...but Iam going to work on that!

12. I know I watch too much tv...usually late at night when I am rocking little TLC and Lifetime.

13. I really wish I could go into a salon and get my hair done and trust the person with that.  I have very thin hair and a big forhead so I have to wear bangs to cover it....basically the same style I had in highschool....without the perm...and yes...I grew up in the 80's.

14. My high school 20th reunion was last year.....I did not go since I was 8 months pregnant! LOL

15. We will have been married 10 years this July 14th....we have not been anywhere for our anniversary since 2004. I would love to get away for at least on night.

16. My favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11....and it is my life verse as well!

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July!! And don't forget about our men and women serving our country around the world.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Glimpse

So as I was taking pictures of my now 8 year old baby girl (tears...sniff...sigh...) I realized I am already seeing a glimpse of the tween and teen years...and I am not sure we will survive.LOL...This girl has a bit ....well maybe a lot of personality...a lot like her aunts....and maybe a bit of her mommy. LOL....All kidding aside I know God has a great plan for this baby girl and that He will give us the grace and wisdom to get through those teen years....


My brother John is pictured here with Lt. Col Oliver North. He got to meet him and (my SIL) Holly said he got to sit by him at lunch. How cool is that? Keep him and the rest of our troops and families in your prayers this fourth of July weekend!