Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where everybody knows your name...

If you grew up in the 80's....then you know that song...from that show.....but if you stop and really think about it...especially if you have kids...we all want to belong to a place or have friends where everyone knows your name. Where people know the real you....what you like...dislike...friends that you can count on to be there no matter what. I am horrible with names....especially when I meet someone takes me forever to remember....blame it on mommy brain (those of you that are mommies especially of young ones  you understand!) I say all that to say this....I love the church we have been visiting....people know your name...they go out of their way to say hello and call you by name. People here are real....and you are accepted for you....they are honest in their walk with God...and let me tell you God is in this place and with the leadership of this church. We have been through churches where certain groups were running it and not concerned about letting God in.....where it was a country club and more about social status. We got to see a lot of what this church is about during VBS....and I love what I saw....this is a group of diverse people...middle class, military famiies, retirees, young families....etc. This is a place where everyone knows your name...this is truly a family and I believe how the body of believers should truly be. Do you have a place like that??