Saturday, January 22, 2011


You are 4 months old and growing by leaps and bounds.

Your stats: you are 26 inches long

- wearing 3-6 months clothing (mostly 6month)

- will find out how much you weigh next week when

we go to the doctor since our scale is broken...I am

guessing you are close to 18-20 pds LOL

- you love Em and Austin and love to watch them...

especially when they sing to you

- you love to watch Phineas and Ferb..cracks us up!

- love your swing and love the roundabout

- some night you sleep until 4 or 5 am ...some you don't

- you prefer oatmeal over rice cereal

- you love to rock with Daddy

- you love to ride in the car and usually sleep

- you are not too sure about the dog

- you love to giggle and wake up talking

I have already decided that for your first birthday we are going to do a sock monkey theme....since we call you monkey all the time fits!