Thursday, January 27, 2011

Future Football Player?

I think we have a future football player on our hands...LOL. Christian weighs 17 pounds and is 27 and a half inches long. His doctor joked with us that football recruiters will be calling soon. He did give the go ahead to start baby food. I had been feeding him just oatmeal with a bit of bananas, pears, or applesause in it....which he does not really like. His doc said I could do the bigger jars (step 2) and feed him half twice a day. Well what they have out for baby food sure has changed since Austin was a baby. So I decided to get just step 1 for now to see what he likes...some veggies, fruits, and some meats. Well last night I tried the sweet baby carrots...and oh boy...he loves them and ate the whole jar (it was just the little step 1..but still!) So apparently he is going to love veggies over fruits which is a good thing.  Once he went down to sleep about 10:30 (after his pre-bedtime nap LOL) he slept until 3:15 before he woke up. I am hoping that will be a new trend..but since he is teething I won't count on it. :) He did pretty good getting his shots yesterday too....better than his daddy watching him..LOL.