Wednesday, December 9, 2009


This is one of my favorite pictures of my brother -in-law Greg. This was taken when Austin was just days old. We use to joke about their matching hairstyles. Sadly, Greg lost his life in an auto accident last night. He was hit head on coming home from work. There are things in this life that are so hard to comprehend...for me it is death. I know that we are not promised tomorrow. I know that one day we will see Greg again...I will see my sweet Granny who left us almost five years ago...but it is still not easy. I look at my sister-in-law and can't really comprehend her pain..I wish I could take it away. I had to tell my sweet babies that their Uncle Greg was in heaven...Em seems to comprehend it and handled it well....Austin being just 4 years old almost seems wise beyond his years...he understood what I was saying and stated so matter of fact. I know the next few days will be hard for have to tell her soul mate goodbye for now...for Jordan and Zac to tell their Dad goodbye....for in-laws, parents, siblings, friends, and co-workers to say goodbye to a man that loved life, a man that loved his family and friends. I am not sure I really believe it myself...James and I were just discussing this week what Greg might like for Christmas...little did we know this life changing event was headed our way. I hope we never take life for granted again...I hope we know how precious each moment is...because again we are not promised tomorrow.


Jenn @ A Heart For Home Sweet Home said...

Jenn, I am so so sorry and saddened to hear about this sudden and tragic loss for your family. You and your family will definitely be in my prayers. You are right...death is so hard to comprehend and understand, especially when there are so many loved ones left behind!
Sending {{Hugs}} my friend and will be praying that God will wrap His arms around you and your family as you grieve and look to Him for comfort and peace.

Jordan said...

Thanks for posting this Jenn. I love that picture too. Thanks for everything!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!