Wednesday, August 22, 2012

23 months

Christian -you are 23 months old!! I cannot believe how fast this last year has gone by!!! It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating your first birthday!

weight::  39 pounds
height:   36 inches
clothing:  You are wearing mostly 3t's and 4t's
food:  you love to eat what everyone else really love bread, cheese, pizza, fries, crackers, yougurt,
         cheerioes, chips, chicken, and corn.
words: you love to "talk" and gesture with your hands....we joke that you just jabber...some words are very clear....roll tide, momma, daddy, dog, ball, go, bye, yum, no, yeah, and good. We are going to talk to your doctor next month at your well checkup to see if we need your hearing tested and about your speech.
You are just the sweetest blessing. You love your big brother so much and love to wrestle or should I say tackle him. You love to go places and walk around. You have boundless energy and almost always are happy. You don't sleep well at cry hear and there...not sure if it is till those molars or not....but I would not trade it for anything. I love rocking you to sleep and your sweet snuggles. I cannot wait to see how you grow this next year!



Jenny Strickland said...

He is precious!

Were those pictures taken at the Square in Hartford, AL? My hubby and I live in Slocomb!

Unknown said...

Jenny- yes they were! LOL We live in Hartford :)