Thursday, December 15, 2011

15 months

Christian you are 15 months old today! We got permission from your doctor to turn your carseat around (since you are so big!) and you love it! You are 32lbs (can we say future line backer?!!!) and are 34 inches long (you will probably be taller than your big brother!) you are wearing 18-24 months. You love eating yogurt, bananas, pancakes, cheerios, puffs,and muffins. You will try almost anything and if you don't like it you make this face like what is this? You are taking lots of steps on your own (and laugh as you do it) but you are not completely walking are so laid back that you just take your time on are pulling up everywhere and are crusing along the furniture. You can say hey, bye, mommy, daddy, dog, tide (we say Roll and you say Tide!) You have started to blow kisses and wave. You love watching your brother and sister get off of the just laugh and scream because you are so excited to see them. You are very good natured and for most of the time a very happy baby. :) We love you!