Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

On Saturday we went to the Easter Egg Hunt at church. Em and Austin had fun and got lots of candy. Then on Sunday after church we went to Grandma and Granddaddy's in Jemison. They got more stuff from them and their wonderful Aunts. I tried to take some good pictures but they would not look at the camera..oh well..I thought they looked so cute anyway. We had a good time and got to see Aunt Ruby and Cousin Scott who came down from North Carolina.
We wish we could of gotten to see Grammie, Granddaddy, Uncle Blake, and Papa...but hopefully we will be able to see them sometime within the next two weeks..Papa is in the nursing home now....but hopefully he is feeling better.
Em also lost another tooth..this one on the bottom. I think the tooth fairy needs a raise!!!