Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today is a day to remember our heroes...veterans and those who have served and are currently serving in the military.....
In our family thost that have served:
James (Army)
Wayne (Jen's dad..Army)
Papa (Army..WWII and Korea Vet)
James (James' Dad....Vietnam Vet, Army)
Uncle Philip (Air Force...Gulf War Vet)
Uncle Greg (Desert Storm...Marines)
currently serving:
Cousin Josh (just got back from Afghanistan...Marines)
Stephen (Jordan's new husband....Navy)
You guys are our heroes. Thank you for your service. We love you!
Remember that freedom isn't free!!


Robin said...

Uncle Greg served during Desert Storm and Stephen leaves for Japan on Dec. 5th this year.

Jordan said...

Thanks for posting this. Too many people take their freedom for granted. Love y'all!

- Jordan