Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Things have been crazy here!! Emily Grace and Austin have started back to school this week. Em is in the 4th grade and is changing classes with within her grade level and has a locker....can we say this is too close to middle school??

She was so ready to get to class and for me to quit taking her pic!! LOL She is also cheerleading this year and is very excited about that. Football games will start in Sept. so our weekends will get even busier...but it will be soooooooo worth it.
And my sweet 2nd grader....he does love spelling not so is like pulling teeth to get him to study his words. I love his teacher and feel like she is going to be wonderful for him. He has had a growth spurt and has gotten now we are in between sizes 6/7...some are too short...some too long...sigh...we were going to put him into football this year but with him being sooooooo skinny (and he eats all the time!) we were afraid he would get clobbered. So we are going to just do baseball this year and maybe basketball with upwards and see how he is next year.

He did not want to smile....he was so concerned about people looking at him while I was trying to get his picture...LOL ...he also just wanted me to leave so he could get to class...I had wanted to take pics by the bulldog statue but it was raining.

We were also very, very, blessed to be able to get this:

It is soooooooooooo nice for the monkeys to have rear air (our 99 explorer that I have had for the last 9 years did not have it) and a third row....everyone has space and car rides are much more nicer and enjoyable. We are truly blessed!!
We were able to take a mini vacation to Destin this past weekend (pics to come) even though it rained on Sunday and we didn't get to go to the beach we still had a great time!!! I really love it there! :)


23 months

Christian -you are 23 months old!! I cannot believe how fast this last year has gone by!!! It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating your first birthday!

weight::  39 pounds
height:   36 inches
clothing:  You are wearing mostly 3t's and 4t's
food:  you love to eat what everyone else really love bread, cheese, pizza, fries, crackers, yougurt,
         cheerioes, chips, chicken, and corn.
words: you love to "talk" and gesture with your hands....we joke that you just jabber...some words are very clear....roll tide, momma, daddy, dog, ball, go, bye, yum, no, yeah, and good. We are going to talk to your doctor next month at your well checkup to see if we need your hearing tested and about your speech.
You are just the sweetest blessing. You love your big brother so much and love to wrestle or should I say tackle him. You love to go places and walk around. You have boundless energy and almost always are happy. You don't sleep well at cry hear and there...not sure if it is till those molars or not....but I would not trade it for anything. I love rocking you to sleep and your sweet snuggles. I cannot wait to see how you grow this next year!
