Thursday, September 15, 2011

One year

I took this pic of baby boy sleeping in his crib last was his last night as a "baby"  .....of course he will always be the baby no matter what! I can't believe he is a year old today....sniff...tear...sniff.  He don't even realize it I am sure....but this momma is a bit sad today....while I am excited that he is growing up and changing...I can't help but miss that sweet newborn and those little baby days. Here is a look back a year ago today...

Happy 1st Birthday sweet baby boy! I just hope this next year slows down a bit!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

This and That........

Yes...I am a terrible blogger. Life is CRAZY ya' all.  Here is life in a nutshell these days:

*Em is loving third grade. I love that she is excited about things...she loves reading and science. We already have had the discussion over and over again about the solar system and Pluto. James and I don't care that "they" (whoever they are!) have decided it is not a has been a planet forever! I mean how can you learn the planets if you can't do the "My Very Educated Mom Just Served Us Nine Pizzas" bit? That was always my favorite bulletin board to do! I am praying she does not have to do a model this could get ugly!  She is growing up too fast....she starting talking yesterday about college, getting married and having as I am proccessing what she is telling me....she then says but it all has to wait until she is 30 to date anyway! Good girl...she remembered the rule! LOL

*Austin is doing well in first grade. His reading is much better....or should I say getting him to read without having a tug of war about it....he loves math so doing math homework is no problem for him. We have had some testing done with him and will get the results in about two weeks. More about that later. But he loves his teacher and his friends so that makes school fun.

*Christian will be a year old on the 15th....7 days from now.....this momma is not ready!!! Wasn't it just yesterday this sweet bundle was born? I can't believe how fast it has gone. Sniff...sniff...tear...babyhood is gone and enter bittersweet when it is your last baby. He is crusing big time in the playpin and around the furniture. It won't be long before he is walking! And since football season has arrived I have taught him to say tide after I say ROLL........he says is so sweetly...Tide! Then I say touchdown and he throws his hands up! Gotta start early!!! Still haven't decided on what to do for his birthday yet...I guess I need to get on that! He has also been fighting a double ear some nights are just not fun....but I would not trade it for the world....I love power rocking with him (hmmmm...that could be a new sport!) Sleep is overrated anyway.

*I had gotten word last week about a friend that had passed away suddenly. I was so shocked and heartbroken ....and were so many of our friends from the youth group days. I had been trying to get up with him for a while...I just wish I had tried harder. I went to the funeral on Sunday....drove through some very bad weather thanks to tropical storm Lee ....but so thankful I got to go. I got to see so many from my "Carlisle Family" that mean so much to me and I got to say goodbye to a sweet friend. His funeral was one of laughter and tears. Many funny memories of him............he was so full of life and loved to pull pratical jokes. He has the best smile and laughter. I think he would of loved it. I know he loved Jesus and I know where he is and that I will get to see him again someday.

*James has had the opportunity to fill in working with the youth at our church. What a great group of teenagers! And what a blessing they are to him! I got to go in for a bit last how they get into the lesson. We are really blessed to be apart of a great church and great people to be around! 

*A bit of cooler temps have arrived....I am not quite ready for Summer to be over...just the high temps....give me temps in the 80's and this southern girl is fine with that...I am not ready to give up my flip flops yet!