We had a restful and low-key weekend. We did watch the last Shriek movie...I thought the music was hairlarious. Hubby and I also watch the Karate Kid. Now we grew up watching the original one so of course we had to compare the two and I was not sure I was going to like it but I actually did.

Soccer camp starts today for Em and Austin. They were beyond excited. I hope they still feel that way at the end of the week! This is their first time really learning about soccer and to see if they want to play it as a sport. The funny thing is hubby
I watched some of the Jaycee Dugar interview with Diane Sawyer. It just broke my heart. I realize there is evil in this world and how much times have changed from our childhood. A kids we were all over the base...without our parents....riding our bikes around till dark...riding in the back of trucks....riding in the car without seatbelts....etc. There is no way today I would let my babies do any other that! Jaycee had her innocence and childhood taken away....and much more. I think it is a miracle that baby girl survived and clinged to hope. I think the system failed her....those prarole officers failed her....I hope this changes how they check on offenders and search properties.
Little man gets his 9 month shots tomorrow. :( He has been so fussy the last couple of nights...well I realized this morning that he was getting two more top teeth! Hubby and I are like....duh...why didn't we think of that? LOL
Stopping in from Jenna's. Your blog is great, and your kids adorable. I missed the Jaycee interview. :( I wanted to see it, but will have to find it on the internet now. That is still such a tragic story to me. I bet a huge chunk of her life will never be ok, even though she keeps her positive attitude. UGH!!! So sad! That and Caylee Anthony. :( Good grief!
Thanks for stopping by Cory! I know it is so sad for both girls...hard to comprehend sometimes why these things happen.
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