Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tasty Tuesday

So my kiddos have discovered little pizzas....since I can't find white pita bread anywhere to normally make them (like at McAllister's) I decided to try english muffins...and they love them. So it makes either a quick snack or lunch.My picky eater- Austin is so hard to find things that he will try or eat....alot has to do with textures. He will eat mac and cheese, sphaghetti, yogurt, pizza, bread sticks, rolls, bananas, apples and  corn on the cob.  I also get him to drink v-8 and ensure. And you can't "hide" stuff in anything...if he sees anything that looks out of the ordinary for a item then he is done with it. I am just hoping it gets better as he gets older about eating and trying things.  He does stay pretty healthy and we do our best to get him to try things. If you have any ideas or any recipes that we can try please use comment! (I would make a link but it is not working.)



jennifersjunkyard said...

Stopping by from Kelly's Korner. My mom used to make these when I was a kid but she used hamburger buns. My kiddos love them!

JDaniel4's Mom said...

My mom made these for me when I was little! I loved them.

Stopping from Jenna's Journey!

Jill said...

Thanks for visiting my blog from Jenna's Journey. I like your blog too. This recipe looks good. :)

Lindsay said...

Stopping by from Jenna's Journey! :)

What a cute idea, makes me hungry. I will have to try these.

sharla said...

Popping over from Jenna's comment challenge. One thing that is working really well with my picky eaters at the moment is Muffin Tin Meals...I have a rule that they have to have one bite out of every compartment. The other thing I do is hide veggies in muffins and cake. My daughter who doesn't eat any fruit or vegetables loves my pumpkin muffins, my chocolate zucchini cake, my banana bread, my zucchini muffins, and my rhubarb muffins. The trick is to call them "cupcakes", not muffins!!!

Ashley said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. The english muffins are a great idea. I made some for my daughter using sandwich thins or deli flats whatever they're called.

Jen Henson said...

Awesome recipe. Think I'll try it! =)

Jennifer Otts said...

Thanks everyone for visiting and for your comments! :)